It’s a brand new rosary app! The RosaryTube app was released on June 15, 2016. It’s new and right now it is free so grab your copy of the new RosaryTube app today. RosaryTube makes it easy to pray the Rosary every day. Just click on a video and pray along! Enjoy and happy praying!
A Great Consolidated Place To Get To All The Great
Rosary Videos On Youtube
The basic premise of the app is to be as simple as possible, and it is. It works to connect each mystery of the rosary with a brand new and consolidated playlist on YouTube. I am sure that many of us have gone on youtube to search for Rosary videos, and if you haven’t you can click here and see that there are a lot. About 400,000 of them. Wow! So which ones are good? I mean which ones are quality videos with clear audio? It is hard to tell, you can go by views, but maybe there is something newer that just doesn’t have the views that the older ones have. This app solves that problem! The author has collected 14 – 20 videos for each of the mysteries. So when you go into the app, it will automatically bring you to the hand picked menu of rosary videos for that day’s mysteries. It has all four sacred rosary mysteries:
- Joyful: Monday and Saturday;
- Sorrowful: Tuesday and Friday;
- Luminous: Thursday;
- Glorious: Wednesday and Sunday
Save Your Phone Space
You will need a data or WiFi connection for the app to work. That means that the app itself is tiny and can fit on phones that have very little space left. The videos live on YouTube and not on your phone.
Not The Most Attractive Rosary app
It isn’t the prettiest of apps, in fact is it very basic, and not a lot of glam and glitter. It is precisely what the developer needed to do and it does a spectacular job of it. I did need to lower the stars for the design though. Hopefully, this awesome developer will spend some more time on the app in the future and up the design aspect of the app.
It Does The Video Rosary Really Well
I liked this app this week, because the app is basic and doesn’t have the bells and whistles of the other apps to potentially clutter up the interface. It makes the experience of praying the rosary just about the rosary and not about buttons and swiping. (They have their place too).
Rosary App Video Selections
The selections in the app range from soft spoken, quiet hymns, and the recitation with Bishops. I think that there really is something for everyone in the app video selection. The producers are great too, here are just a few of the contributors to the videos in the app:
- Catholic Devotions
- The CatholicTV Network
- lucila
- Heavenly Saints
- Kate & Mike Catholic Crusade
- Fr. Corapi ~ THE HOLY ROSARY ~ Joyful Mysteries
- Joyful Mysteries – St Louis | The Rosary (Bishop Carlson of St. Louis)
- FamilyRosaryVideo
All of the videos are publicly available, the author has compiled them for us!
If you are looking for a new rosary app, something to either inspire you or to have audio in the background with, this is a great option. The RosaryTube app captures the best of Youtube Rosary videos and puts them right at your fingertips. It does use data/wifi, so be aware that it is streaming data and not pulling from your phone, on the upside though it doesn’t take up a lot of space. I’ld recommend you get this app and have it handy. I have used it multiple times to pray and rest and just have the rosary playing in the background.
We have other reviews of rosary apps as well. You can check out iRosary: An catholic rosary app for prayer or Epic Audio Rosary App and Scriptural Rosary App , all of them great apps, but have a different flavor to them.
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