A school of prayer and discernment for the New Evangelization! The best authors, teachers, spiritual leaders discussing topics that effect our every day lives. Shows range from Inside the Pages w/Kris McGregor to series with Fr. Timothy Gallagher, Deacon James Keating, Dr. Anthony Lilles, Dr. R. R. Reno, Mike Aquilina, Joseph Pearce, Msgr. John Esseff, Archbishop George J. Lucas and many others. From lives of the saints to the basics of Catholic Social teaching, from the Sacred Liturgy to prayer in the everyday moments of our lives, we walk together as we fulfill our call to be saints in the making.
Are you looking for a modern, clean and faithfilled app to help you in your prayer life, what about in your efforts to evangelizate and share your faith. IT IS FREE!! As in FOREVER FREE! And it is right here. Discerning Hearts has an app, and this app delivers!
Compilation – All in One Place
One of the difficulties on the internet is finding new resources. Not only finding new resources, but keeping up with all of these resources. This app solves that issue by bringing together many different voices and podcasts that all focus on your spiritual life. This app’s main screen brings you to the table, so to speak, of many different speakers, and teachers. All of this is online, and streaming. *Note that you will need WiFi or a data connection for these to be playable.
The first item on the main menu is the best. It combines many podcasts together in one menu and allows to you catch up on all of them with out needing a subscription. They are all playable and clickable.
The Discerning Hearts website has the same content, but with many other big additions. It delivers all of your favourite podcasts, and talks by Catholic speakers you trust. This also includes all the novenas, devotionals, and prayers, in audio, and clearly and really recorded well (This includes the rosary, Chaplet of St. Micheal, and more). All available for free. Download the Discerning Hearts app. (iOS and Android)
The main menu. You can see that it gives great options for you to bother catch up, and to get into the area and topic of your choice.
What a great way to present the material, excellent sort, and topical subjects
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“You received without paying, give without pay.” Matthew 10:8
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